lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

MODULE 6 - UNIT 4 - Books, books, books !

p.39 Ex 6
p.42 Ex 10 + 11
p.43 Ex 6
p.47 Ex 6 + 8 (Speak about that book)


MODULE 6. Unit 4 "Books, books, books!


 Nina's Cabbage


Module 6. Topics on Unit 4. 


Videos Unit 4

  ===================================================================== Questions for discussion in the English class


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show to Student B)
1)How important are books to you?
2)What would life be like without books?
3)What kinds of books do you like?
4)Do you prefer paperbacks or hardbacks?
5)If you wrote a book, what would you write about?
6)If you could only have one book for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
7)Do you think the Internet will make books disappear?
8)What do you think of the idea of E-books?
9)What book  would you recommend for children?
10)How many books have you read in English?

STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show to Student A)
1)Who is your favorite author?
2)What do you think of Google’s idea to put all the world’s books on the Internet, accessible for free?
3)Why doesn’t everybody enjoy reading?
4)Do you prefer to keep the books you read?
5)What’s the most number of times you have read the same book?
6)Which is better, the book or the movie?
7)Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?
8)Do you spend a long time browsing in bookshops?
9)Do you ever read the last page of a book before you start reading it?
10)How often do you want the story in a book to never end?


Books conversation questions


ESL Discussion Questions about Reading

Do you like to read?
How often do you read?
How long can you read at one sitting?  (One hour?  Two hours?)
Where do you read?
How do you read?
How many books are you reading these days?
What have you read today?
What kinds of books do you read?
Do you prefer to fiction or non-fiction?  Novels or short stories?
What do you like to read about?  What do you want to read about?
Can you read one book at a time or do you have several started?
What is you favourite book?
Who is your favourite author?
What is your favourite fiction genre?
Is there a book that changed your mind, your thinking or your life?
Are there books that you are ashamed to admit that you read?
Some books are brain candy. What does that mean?
Have you read a book recently that you couldn't put down?
Does reading make you smarter?
Is reading better than playing computer games?  Conversation?  Doing sports?
Is there a book you always have besides your bed?
Is there a book that you have read over and over and over again?
Do you ever read aloud?
Do you always carry something to read you with?


Mrs. P, the librarian from, an online library devoted to inspiring children to read, shares the holiday season's best children's books with Erica Hill.

Can't Read Write Documentary Illiteracy in America


The most recent bestsellers in Britain

Newspapers in Britain

Magazines (

Do you feel like reading a book?

Best free books

Free ebooks - Project Gutenberg

28 Great Books You Can Read For Free


Is illiteracy leading us to this?



Sinopsis2 [editar · editar código]

Joe Bauers (representado por Luke Wilson), un oficial del ejército de los Estados Unidos (seleccionado por sus superiores debido a que es "el hombre más ordinario en nuestras filas"), y una prostituta llamada Rita (representada por Maya Rudolph) son puestos en un experimento militar ultra-secreto para demostrar la viabilidad de hibernar soldados durante tiempos de paz. Sin embargo, antes de que transcurriera un año (tiempo en que debían ser descongelados), la base militar es clausurada y su jefe científico puesto en arresto debido a un escándalo por prostitución.
El experimento es olvidado por completo, la base militar es demolida y ambos protagonistas son descongelados de manera accidental unos 500 años después (el año 2505) en un mundo distópico en el que la selección natural ya no favorece los seres más inteligentes, debido a que se reproducen más aquellos de poca sabiduría. Esto ha resultado en una humanidad idiota, ignorante y retrasada, de modo que Joe se convierte en el hombre más inteligente del planeta.



Reading Habits in the USA (reading)





Books, books, books!


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